• Петр Панфилович Великий IAgP RAS
  • Марина Юрьевна Мореханова IAgP RAS
Keywords: methodology, peasant traditionalism, needs, agrarian sector, social groups, employment, reproduction, scientific and technical innovations


The article reveals aspects of the influence of peasant traditionalism, which is assessed by the author not as something backward and obsolete, but as an essential characteristic of an agrarian society and as one of the most important features of the lifestyle of the specifics of rural participation in agricultural production and economic relations. Turning to the origins of the peasant traditionalism and the modern experience of its corrective influence on the agro-industrial complex, the author argues that it invariably contained diligence, great patience and perseverance; and in relation to the outside world it contained the predominance of a protective function, since the actions of the state towards the peasantry were almost never coincided with its original aspirations. The test of the viability of the post-Soviet peasantry was the transfer of the agricultural sector to the market form of functioning. The model of the agrarian reform of the 1990s did not provide for the solution of the main issue of life - employment for all categories of working age living in rural areas. Since this approach has been maintained until recently, the peasant traditionalism is focused not so much on the support of innovations in the agro-industrial complex as on the use of survival channels tested by past experience and acquired under conditions of exclusion.

Although taking into consideration domestic needs, the country has established a mechanism for food production, from the point of view of the future, the full use of the potential of all social resources, especially peasant traditionalism, is an urgent task of agrarian policy. Based on this premise, the article substantiates the approaches to the development of the mechanism for managing this process based on the methodological potential of theories of social design and planning, programming and social technologies that take into account peasant traditionalism as a resource for achieving meaningful goals.

Author Biographies

Петр Панфилович Великий, IAgP RAS

doctor of philosophical sciences

Марина Юрьевна Мореханова, IAgP RAS

candidate of sociological sciences


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