• A.A. Vyalshina IAgP RAS
Keywords: rural areas, globalization, rural communities, hybridization


The article presents an analysis of the features of reproduction and development of rural areas in the era of globalization. The theoretical approaches and concepts that explain the transformation of the concepts of “rural area”, “village”, “countryside” under the influence of globalization changes and the nature of the relationship between cities and rural areas are investigated. To explain the features of the development of regions, territories and communities under the influence of global processes, the concept of hybridization is considered. Based on the materials of domestic research, the features of the spatial development of agricultural production and rural areas in Russia are generalized. It is concluded that it is necessary to analyze the key factors and capabilities of rural areas for embedding in global processes and accumulating the potential for economic growth.

Author Biography

A.A. Vyalshina, IAgP RAS

candidate of sociological sciences


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