• M.Ya. Vasilchenko Institute of Agrarian Problems - Subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution Saratov Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: agro-industrial complex, livestock, interregional differentiation, production potential, production specialization, sustainable development


The development of a new concept for the placement and specialization of agricultural production is associated with the justification of practical recommendations for improving the spatial production organization in accordance with the requirements of sustainable development and rational use of the resource potential of the main branches of agriculture. A critical analysis of the main directions of the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 revealed the lack of clear concepts of agrarian regional specialization; the criteria of long-term development in the livestock industry programs do not meet the criteria of sustainable development (economic growth, social development of rural areas and rational use of natural resources). The article presents an adaptation of A. Lesh's concept of the spatial organization of production in relation to the livestock industries with a study of the limits of production concentration. Based on the calculations for dairy cattle breeding in the Volga Federal District, regions with different levels of concentration of production, resource provision and productivity were identified. Regions with a "normal" level of concentration are identified, providing an average level of efficiency in the use of resources. Strategies for the livestock development in regions with different levels of production concentration have been determined.

Author Biography

M.Ya. Vasilchenko, Institute of Agrarian Problems - Subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution Saratov Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

candidate of economic sciences


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